Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I was in my garden early today and the morning light was catching this old chandelier which came out of the house when we renovated - it looked so pretty hanging in the tree and adds a bit of whimsy to the corner of the garden!  I love the spider's web attached to it!  Do you have something re-used in your garden that you love?

The first of the jasmine blooms are out - gracefully wandering their way all over the garden fence - the tiny drops of rain on the blossoms a reminder of the little bit of rain we had overnight - freshening everything up.

If I were a tiny fairy
 With nothing else to do
But to wriggle into flowers
 All the long day through,
I'd dance among the roses,
 I'd take a stately walk,
Balancing precisely
 On an Easter-lily stalk.
For play I'd choose the jonquils,
 For swimming, poppy cups,
For jokes and tricks and tiny naps,
 The Johnny-jump-ups!
But on some quiet evening,
 I'd leave my fairy band,
And on a star-flower through the sky
 I'd sail to fairyland.

John Chipman Farrer
And finally, I think Winnie the Pooh - my long time favourite bear and his best friend  Piglet really do have the right attitude!  Make every day your favourite day, find something to love about it and think about it, recall it, photograph it, journal it, draw it - whatever takes your fancy.  ENJOY


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