Thursday, March 09, 2017

Ok so how many of you send flowers these days to new mothers in hospital? I was having this discussion recently with a local grower who was lamenting the fact that what was traditionally a strong area of floristry - sending flowers to new mummies (or anyone in hospital for that matter) is almost old fashioned now and sadly a declining side of the floral industry. Do you love to get flowers when in hospital or do you no longer bother or think about sending flowers? Our conversation went along the lines of the decline of sending flowers to people you know and/or love and the increase in buying flowers for people you have never even met and leaving them on pavements or wherever as memorial to the loss of someone who has passed away due to an unexpected act of violence or accident - did this public outpouring start with Princess Diana we wondered? Do you have a view on this change or even think about it? Interesting how time changes many traditions!

Its been a while! I haven't been active on my blog for quite a long time but tonight I had some time to go back to beginnings of blogging and realise that its time to update! So I decided that although there has been so much happening in my flower world over the last few months that perhaps I would work backwards and start with the last first! I love to forage - as you may well know and this was a mix of a wander around my garden early this week and a few flowers bought from the local flower market. This was a pleasure to put together and as I worked I was thinking of the pleasure it would hopefully bring to the recipient of the flowers - someone who was in hospital in the rehab section - somewhere I hope I do not have to go to! So my hope as I fiddled and played with the flowers was that it would bring her joy, encouragement and be food for her soul in this time of recovery.